
Additional Information

EquiGraze is currently out of stock

EquiGraze comprises ingredients to supplement the nutritional needs of the grazing horseEquiGraze also provides those minerals necessary to maintain electrolyte balance as well as trace minerals that are necessary for optimal metabolic activity.

EquiGraz contains beta-1,3/1,6-D-glucan, purified from Brewer’s yeast.  Beta-1,3/1,6-D-glucan activates the Immune System of humans and animals.  The activation of the Immune System has significant beneficial effects.  The administration of beta-1,3/1,6-D-glucan to animals increases their resistance to bacterial and viral infections, to radiation damage, and increases the production of red blood cells, platelets and lymphocytes.

The Immune System is a complex system, which is exquisitely sensitive to respond to many environmental insults.  At the slightest provocation, such as viral and bacterial infections, presence of toxins, etc, the Immune System begins a series of defensive actions aimed at destroying the offender and repairing any damage that may have occurred.  However, the Immune System is not always able to repel the invading organisms and the animal becomes infected.

Optimizing the Immune System the animal will be better able to fight infections resulting in fewer and milder infections and less use of medications.

Beta 1,3/1,6-D-glucan is a potent activator of the cells of the Immune System, specifically macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells.  Neutrophils and macrophages are the first line of defense against invading bacteria, viruses and other parasites.  Activation of the Immune System by beta-1,3/1,6-D-glucan will also result in better vaccine effectiveness as demonstrated by the higher levels of IgG after vaccination.  When beta-1,3/1,6-D-glucan is administered to mares the higher IgG will be transferred to foals and the foal will be healthier.   In a recent trial done by Dr. Kate Painter at Blue Spruce Farms of 20 foals born to mares on EquiGraze, 1 had failure of passive transfer and 1 had neonatal diarrhea and their blood IgG was 60% higher than historical controls.    Of 13 foals born to mares receiving control feed, 5 had neonatal diarrhea and five showed partial or complete failure of passive transfer.

EquiGraz Mixed with 2.5 Tons feed at 10 lbs per feeding.
EquiGraz provides for each 10 lbs feeding: 

Lysine …………………………..   100 ppm
Copper (min)……………………  135 ppm
Iron (min)………………………..   500 ppm
Magnesium...............................   200 ppm
Manganese (min)……………....   300 ppm
Zinc (min)………………………..   700 ppm
Selenium (min)………………….   10 ppm
Vitamin E (min)………………….   2 IU
Iodine (min) ...............................   1,7 ppm
Biotin .........................................   2.5 ppm